It is the policy of orange Township in Delaware County, Ohio ("Township") to strictly adhere to the state's Public Records Act as well as other state and federal laws. Orange Township's position is that openness leads to a more informed citizenry, more transparent government, and sounder public policy. Ohio's Public Records Act imposes two primary obligations upon public offices: 1. Provide prompt inspection of public records (R.C. 149.43(B)(1)); and 2. Provide copies of public records within a reasonable period of time (R.C. 149.43(B)(1)). The Public Records Act evolved form the principle that Ohio's citizens are entitled to access the records of their government. We agree that, to advance that principle, the Public Records Act should be liberally in favor of disclosure.
1680 E Orange Road
Lewis Center, OH 43035
(740) 548-5430
Monday – Friday
8am – 4:30pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.
© 2024 Orange Township, Ohio