Chrisi Hagan – Chair
Emily Elsea – Vice Chair
Amelia Tucciarone
Tony Benishek
Amy Pawlikowski
CVB will work, in task forces and committees as organized by the CVB, to provide information and outreach concerning community plans, policies, operations, and initiatives with the goal to facilitate opportunities. The CVB may work with residents, community organizations, businesses and governmental agencies and officials as required, directed and/or recommended by the board of Trustees.
The CVB shall be comprised of five regular members, with the allowance to expand up to seven regular members, provided that, at any one time, the total maximum number of members shall either be five or seven, but never six. All members must be elector residents in the unincorporated portion of Orange Township. All members shall be appointed by Resolution of the Board of Trustees, and shall be subject to the State of Ohio Sunshine and Ethics Laws.
This subcommittee consists of dedicated volunteers to our community events approved by the Board of Trustees. They will see out any sponsorships or partnerships. This committee meets monthly.
This subcommittee focuses on how to support the transparency between the Fire Department and the community. This committee meets as needed.
This subcommittee reviews and recommends projects in accordance to the 2022 Parks Master Plan to discuss any amendments necessary. This subcommittee meets quarterly.
This committee is a recommending body for long range zoning projects. Projects include but are not limited to Zoning Resolution amendments, Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Active Transportation Plan. This subcommittee meets quarterly.
This subcommittee is project specific and can shift focus at any time. The current project is the Veterans Memorial. The purpose of this committee is to assist project planning and/or design, fundraising and outreach. This subcommittee meets as needed.
If you're passionate about something in the Orange Township community, join a community and help make a difference!
1680 E Orange Road
Lewis Center, OH 43035
(740) 548-5430
Monday – Friday
8am – 4:30pm
Closed Sat. & Sun.
© 2024 Orange Township, Ohio